Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Even Our Pets are Reading!

Not only does our Book Club help all of us read more, but we've all noticed some strange behavior from our beloved pets. They've all become avid readers!

Jasper is currently reading The Stranger Beside Me, he's gearing up for Halloween.

Annie is currently reading Water for Elephants, she loves animals. Look at that stack, you go girl!

Joseph is currently reading Schopenhauer Cure, he is one intellectual cat!

Lexi is currently reading All We Ever Wanted Was Everything, she loves her some good chick-lit!

Jake is currently reading Women of the Pleasure Quarters, as you can see he isn't really enjoying it. Sorry Jake!

Minks is currently reading Eat Pray Love, he's a romantic at heart.


  1. Did not realize we had so many pets in the BC!

    I'm sure Cassie's out there finishing up a stack of her own too :) Shout out to Cass!

  2. And Kris has a dog, Max but he is up in northern Michigan for the Fall with his G-parents. :)

  3. I just love everything about this post! So cute!!

  4. So funny my first reaction was a Cassie shout out! She wearing her pearls and reading something riveting.

  5. Oh my beloved Cassandra. She was actually the only one that read Madam Bovary, while eating a slice of Dag's and smoking a cigg the entire time mind you. Thanks for the shout out, I am sure the love is making her purr away in heaven.

  6. Amazing post! When Max gets back from his vacation I will make sure to take a picture of him. He is an avid reader.

  7. Hilarious! I think Buddy is reading Money Ball :)
