Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Book Club est. October 2004

Our book club has lasted A LOT longer then the 'shelf life of a dairy product' as a past member once thought.....we were established in October of 2004. The first book was The Kite Runner and was held in Bucktown at Katie, Rachel and Laura's apartment at the time.

Since then some book club members have moved out of the city or left the group or were kind of kicked out. A few members still come to share in the fun (i.e. wine) without actually reading a single book. We love them anyways!

See below for some of our past reads. Wow after 5 years with a few hiatus' we really have read a lot of books!!

The Really Good.....

The Good.....

The Random....

The Disturbing.....

The Controversial..... (difference of STRONG opinions)

The ones I bet you forgot about....

The Tear Jerkers.......

The Scary.....

The ones no one read.... (This section could be a lot longer)

And the WORST of all......(sorry Tiff you will never live this one down)

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